Market consulting

The successful penetration of new markets depends to a large extent on detailed knowledge of the target group. We support and assist our clients in exploring new markets.

We provide insights into industries that we constantly observe and are very familiar with. With our extensive network, we build bridges that connect market participants.

Mila Moisio, TAUKOdesign OY, Helsinki (Finland):

"Ms. Anton-Katzenbach has proven her many years of textile industry expertise in our partnership with her. She has shown us innovative and new approaches in her field of expertise. Thanks to her extensive network, she has helped us to reach out to the right people and companies.”

Market analyses

Working in cooperation with proven experts, we describe markets, identify potential and communicate our knowledge in the form of industry reports or individual market studies.

Market And background Research

We take on individual research tasks from the textile world. We explore new materials, major industry developments and trendsetting developments. We shed light on the advantages and disadvantages and make recommendations.